Erik's Web Web Based Patent Polishing Tools

New Javascript version Available

Javascript version

Classic Perl CGI Version

Reference Number Checking Claim Trees and Number Checking
  • Prints a list showing how each # is used
  • Helps catch inconsistent use of reference #s, e.g. "widget 101" and "width 101"
  • Can be used to easily check off against figs to catch uncited reference numerals or reference numerals not on figs
  • Ignores bracketed paragraph numbering, e.g. [0012], automatically
  • Handles numbers with letters and hyphens, e.g. 101-1, 101-2, 101A, 101B.
  • Prints claim trees showing dependencies
  • Catches MPEP numbering compliance
    • illegal forward references
      2. The method of claim 10
    • back references to nonexistent claims
      1. A method of...
      [Note no claim 2.]
      3. The method of claim 2...
    • out of order back references
      1. A method of...
      2. The method of claim 1
      3. The method of claim 1
      [Note that claim 3 is between 4 and 2]
      4. The method of claim 2
    • Bad dependent claims, e.g. "A method of claim 21" looks like an independent but it actually is a dependent.
Sort-Unique Filter
Generates a collated list of number of occurrences of a given value from a return separated list of values. Equivalent to sort < infile | uniq -c > outfile...

The most current release of the source code is available for download. The source code is available under an MIT-style/BSD-style license.

These programs are made available in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.